lørdag 4. oktober 2014

Here we go!

(This post were suposed to be published night to wednesday, so ... yeah.. here it is)

Approximately 30 hours before departure, I finally managed to make myself a blog.. This will be a highly informal blog, consisting deep (mostly superficial) thoughts and reflections from my experiences from my everyday life, pictures, movies and a spoon full of grammar errors, (this in addition to the intentional norwegian-english), since I will try to write as much as I can in English. 

In this moment, its less than 2,5 (!) hours until departure. I have not packed yet, and in the search for something else to than packing, I decided it would be in everyone’s best interest if I made my first blog post. It’s better to write about how much I hate packing, rather than to actually just do it. Woah, I can hear my mum’s voice telling me how close she is to an heart attack because of me. Well, I guess you are glad that you are not awake now, mum, to see that I have actually not started yet. By the time you see this, I’m already in Amsterdam. Haha. Well, time to start packing..! I wish you a good night with this short film from my way from Hald to my home cityTrondheim

We blogs 

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