tirsdag 7. oktober 2014


Hald international Centre is a vocational school with three programs: Connect, Focus and Act Now, which is the program I’m attending. The three programs all have a collaborating organization in Norway, where Stromme Fundation (Strømmestiftelsen) is the one collaborating with Act Now. You can read more about Stromme Fundation here: http://www.strommestiftelsen.no/

The school year started with 6 weeks at Hald’s location in Mandal, Norway, where students from Norway and all over the world had lectures and preparing courses before the internship started. Act Now will have an internship for 7 months, and 6 weeks of debriefing and information work when we return to Hald. You can read more about Hald and the different programs at Hald's home page: http://www.hald.no/

Another organization important to mention, is FK (Fredskorpset). FK are funding the exchange, and making it possible for students (and employees) from all over the world to exchange to other countries. Read more about FK here: http://www.fredskorpset.no/

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